Photo Credit: Sam Devries
I came across gay porn star John Thomas from a comment on Twitter between a post linked to our friends and the men at the Muscle Mafia. His simple comment on how the crew behind the mask shaped his sexuality piqued my interest and wanted to look more into the men who were inspired by Carlo, Matt, and the whole Mafia crew. Had to say, John Tomas’ journey was very similar to my own but someone who took control of his sexual prowess and turned it into an acclaimed career in front of the camera. So glad to have come across this 6’3″ gay porn actor, activist, and fellow admirer of muscular men. (Standing tall, I’ll make sure to include him in my follow-up to this article.) Check out a look into John Thomas below!
Eddie V: Congrats on being the Best Newcomer at the 2019 Prowler European Porn Awards. How was it receiving that nomination and later award?
John Thomas: When I started gay porn I was studying full time, so to me, it was a once-a-month gig, and I wasn't really paying attention to how it was being received. The nomination made me realise that there was a lot of interest in me, which was so flattering, and unexpected. Winning amplified this feeling, and made me think that this could actually be a full-time career. Winning also opened up international opportunities.
Photo Credit: Walter Zak Photo Credit: Sam Devries
Eddie V: You mentioned in chatting with me you grew up a bit intimidated by masculine men, how does it feel now thriving and making a mark in an industry where people celebrate hot men like yourself?
John Thomas: Guys in porn – especially muscular bodybuilders – seemed like an impossible fantasy to me, as a skinny teenager growing up in England. A fantasy I didn't imagine could ever come true. Both developing my physical strength and physique, and becoming a successful porn actor, are things I'm really proud of – they are part of a huge emotional and physical journey I have been on. I wish more people could see the journey too because now I think some followers think that I was just born this way, whereas in fact it's very much been an Ugly Duckling journey several years in the making!
Eddie V: How did you first come across Muscle Mafia and their videos?
John Thomas: In puberty, I started looking at men's health and fitness magazines – I didn't realise there was a sexual element to me buying them, but I was fascinated by how adult males came into existence (my dad left when I was 10, so I didn't really have close male role models). When I first saw Muscle Mafia some years later, it chimed into this part of my brain – the fascination with how these “alpha males” come into being. I found the masks so hot as well.
Eddie V: You said after watching Muscle Mafia you had the desire and motivation to start going to the gym. How did their videos mark that influence?
John Thomas: The first videos I saw were mostly muscle worship and domination. I found them sexually arousing, but I also knew they were straight guys fooling around, and that in many ways their sexuality WAS muscle. At this time I was very lanky (6'3 and about 75kg), so I just wasn't like the guys in the videos, and I thought I never would be. I don't know what changed, but when I was 25 years old I decided to get a Personal Trainer and start going to the gym. Even though it was hard work, I came to enjoy it, to develop my confidence at the gym, and to enjoy training and the endorphins that working out release! As I started to see results my goals increased, and now I really am pushing myself to reach that bodybuilder physique – which, if I can achieve it at my height, is going to be pretty damn impressive!
Eddie V: How would you say they influenced your sexuality?
John Thomas: The celebration of masculinity and masculine body aesthetics definitely appeals to me as a gay man. I think there are problems with toxic masculinity, but I think with Muscle Mafia you do see this kind of “straight” homosexuality, where the desire and admiration is for an incredible physique. I see this as well when I go to the gym: it is homoerotic to watch male bodybuilders or bros working out, encouraging and admiring each other, even though it isn't a sexual act for those guys, but it is still an act of fraternity, support, and desire. I think it can maybe help some guys break down the gay/straight binary in sexuality.
Eddie V: You’ve now truly embraced who you are as a “super pig bottom” and I completely applaud you for that. What advice would you give to those having a hard time fully embracing their sexuality?
John Thomas: I grew up in quite a religious environment, so i had so many feelings of shame and worries about sin connected to my sexuality, especially during puberty. I think letting go, or undoing these feelings of shame is incredibly hard, and takes time, and I don't think I have any quick fixes. In my early 20s I decided that I would just try everything offered to me with an open mind – which was a helpful way to learn what I enjoyed and what I didn't, but also if I didn't like something I wouldn't judge myself for trying it, I'd just acknowledge that it wasn't for me, and move on. When you hear stories of straight guys experimenting, I think the important thing is to not beat yourself up afterwards. If you like a guy, and he likes you, why not kiss him. Did you like it? Great. If not, just say “that isn't for me” and move on, without trying to shame yourself or the other person involved.
Eddie V: Besides the Muscle Mafia, who would you say influenced you sexually growing up?
John Thomas: Zeb Atlas was a really key figure. His work is more traditionally pornographic, but there's also some great muscle worship scenes he's done. Performers like Jeff Palmer and Jonathan Agassi were also early favourites – they seemed to be able to let go and become really piggy! I think Jeff was the first person I saw getting gang banged, which blew my mind that you could have sex with more than one person at a time! More recently Rogan Richards has been really important inspiring me in terms of muscle aesthetics, sexual confidence, and making porn. I'm really happy that he's gone from being my fantasy to being my friend now!
Eddie V: You’ve worked with some of my favorite gay porn sites like TimTales and actors like Rogan Richards. What made you approach them to work together? Who are some people you would love to work with?
John Thomas: Rogan and I had been chatting on Scruff when he was in the UK, but it wasn't possible to meet. Then by chance I was in Paris on holiday, and saw he was online nearby. The next day I met him and filmed with him. This was my first time filming porn, and it felt like a safe way to experiment with it, before approaching a big studio. After Rogan released the scenes on his website, it gave me the confidence to approach TimTales, the European studio that i was watching the most. i didn't think they would want me, but they did, and a few weeks after making my application via the website they were flying me to Barcelona!
Eddie V: Favorite behind the scenes story?
John Thomas: I think there's some behind-the-scenes stuff that has to stay private. A fun fact is that during one of the TimTales scenes, I was getting fucked on this huge, heavy wooden table. But I was getting pounded so hard the table was moving across the room. So we filmed the take with Tim Kruger sat against, bracing the table with his legs hidden out of view. I love watching the finished porn scene I'm in, and knowing there's all these little details going on that people can't see!
Eddie V: Favorite gay porn scene filmed?
I think it would be my “Triple DP” scene I filmed with Tim Kruger, Diego Mattos, and Maksim Orlov last summer. Taking three huge cocks is quite a challenge, but it honestly didn't feel like work – it felt like TimTales were giving me the most amazing treat!
Eddie V: You have a budding career but have made a strong presence. What is next for you in gay porn? Studio porn or keeping it to Only Fans?
I really miss making studio porn, and once Covid has calmed down I hope to get back to filming for studios. This past year has made me focus a lot more on making quality Only Fans videos though, and inspired me to be more ambitious in my own filmmaking, so this could develop into some more ambitious shooting projects. Of course, I really want to do some work for the Muscle Mafia. I'd love to be one of their bitches, and get put through my paces by their incredible muscle studs. And one day I hope to build a body that Carlo “the Boss” would be proud of!