We love a trip down memory lane like this one. It's filled with amazing photos of Kurt Beckmann, one of the muscle stars of the early ‘net.
Kurt Beckmann for Muscle Hunks
Ulrich, the owner/photographer behind so many great sites, did a ton of images of Kurt. Here's a small gallery from Muscle Hunks:
Live Muscle Show
Of course, Ulrich also owned Live Muscle Show. And Kurt Beckmann was a huge star on that site.
There were many photo shoots over the years for Live Muscle Show. Kurt featured in a lot of them.
Born in 1984 in the city of Krefeld in which was then West-Germany, Kurt — aka Marco Majewski — has had a successful career as professional body-builder until he was discovered by the guys from Muscle-Hunks who have since turned this German uber-hunk into a much sought-after porn-star and one of their hottest attractions.
Marco runs a gym, fitness, and personal training company in his native Germany. These days he has traded in the Muscle Hunks persona for a thriving YouTube presence:
Of course, all of the content on YouTube is also in German. But Marco – formerly Kurt Beckmann – still is easy on the eyes.
Who are some of your other favorites from the heyday of Ulrich's websites?